Domain verification & validation

To assess the extent of data breach exposure on your domain, follow these three simple steps to verify your information.

We understand that keeping your domains users secure is super important, so we've got three fantastic ways to validate domain authorization - using DNS, HTML , and Email. Our goal is to make it easy peasy for you to choose the best method that suits your needs.

DNS : The first method involves adding a special record to your domain's DNS settings. It's like giving your domain a secret handshake to confirm it's the real deal. We'll guide you through the process, and once it's done, your domain's identity will be verified in no time!

HTML : If you prefer a more hands-on approach, we've got you covered! Simply add an HTML file with a unique code to your website's root directory. It's like planting a digital flag that says "Yep, this is my domain!". We'll check for the flag, and if it's there, you're good to go!

Email: Lastly, for those who love the convenience of email, we can send a verification link straight to your inbox. Click on the link, and voilà, your domain is authorized! It's as simple as opening your favorite email and tapping a button.

Remember, we're here to make this process as smooth and friendly as possible. So pick the method that works best for you, and let's get that domain authorized! 🎉

Steps Action Explanation Status
# 1 Domain name Enter a valid domain name Completed
# 2 Verification Options Select a verification option based on email, DNS, html etc Pending
# 3 Complete verification Successfully complete the verification process as per selected option Pending
20% Complete (success)
Steps Action Explanation Status
# 1 Domain name Enter a valid domain name Completed
# 2 Verification method Select a verification option based on email, DNS, html etc Completed
# 3 Complete verification Successfully complete the verification process as per selected method Failed
100% Complete (failure)

Steps Action Explanation Status
# 1 Domain name Enter a valid domain name Completed
# 2 Verification method Select a verification option based on email, DNS, html etc Completed
# 3 Complete verification Successfully complete the verification process as per selected method Success
100% Complete ( success )
Steps Action Explanation Status
# 1 Domain name Enter a valid domain name Completed
# 2 Verification method Select a verification option based on email, DNS, html etc Completed
# 3 Complete verification Successfully complete the verification process as per selected method Pending
60% Complete (success)